Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Sudbury



Sudbury, ON Friday April 4th, 2014 at 10:35 PM


I just want to say that everyone has a special something inside them that makes them unique. All of your dna is 99.9% the same but that .1% make you the person you are ment to be! Be glad and happy with all the little things that make YOU, well YOU. You are the person who was born on this planet. You are the one that can make any decision in your life worth wild.

I have a youtube link that i try and inspire people to believe in themselves and encourage people to follow their dreams.
http:/ / stV7qVQ_If0
I also have a web page that people can read and feel inspired and motivated:) http:/ /
WE ARE THE GENERATION, WE ARE THE FUTURE. WE CAN DO ANYTHING!! Message me if you want direct help in any situation in YOUR life. Id be so glad to help you!

Post this please and thank you! It would mean the world!

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